Sunday, December 11, 2011

Bowl of Mandarines

Bowl of Mandarins  Oil on Linen  8 x 8  NFS

I finished this little painting yesterday, and it wasn't until I posted it, that I realized I don't like the dark background. It's too harsh  and cold, with the warm soft colours of the foreground. So I will go back into it and make some changes to the background, and then repost once I've made those changes. I think maybe a subdued wallpaper, or kitchen tiles. Any ideas for the changes?



  1. I truly like the dark background making the mandarines pop right out.. A very festive painting, Claire!

  2. This is a beautiful composition, Claire. Your warm colors are lovely.

  3. Une très jolie composition ma chère Claire...
    Vos couleurs sont toujours très flamboyantes...
    Pensez-vous réellement changer le fond ?...
    Gros bisous

  4. Dear Hilda, Suzanne and Martine, thank you very much for your feedback on the background. It seems unanimous that the background is okay, so I kept it dark but warmed it up. I won't bother posting it again, as the nuances probably won't show up that well online. Sometimes you just need another opinion....
