Saturday, December 29, 2012

Pomegranates Reflected

Pomegranate Reflected  Oil  11 x 14  $400

Seasons Greetings one and all!! I hope you've all enjoyed a special holiday season with loved ones and friends. I want to wish each and every one of you the very best for the New Year. May 2013 be your best year yet, filled with good health and happiness, good friends and family, and  beautiful paintings and prosperity.
I haven't done a reflective painting in a while and decided to put the pomegranates on glass, to add a bit more compositional interest. I love painting all the rich red nuances of the interior of these luscious fruits.  I tried a few different background fabrics and finally settled on this grey green to compliment the reds.



  1. Un très joli travail dans les reflets... J'aime beaucoup vos nuances de couleurs ou "tes" nuances de couleurs ! Je préfère te tutoyer !
    La grenade est un fruit très subtil en salade et sur ta toile également! Simplement délicieux...

    Je te souhaite une année 2013 très créative couronnée de succès.

    Une petite pensée pour toi en ce passage très prochain de l'année 2012 à 2013.
    Gros bisous.

    1. Merci Martine for your very beautiful and thoughtful words. I wish you a very creative 2013 crowned with success as well. Gros bisous a vous aussi.

  2. The glass adds a beautiful touch! and the pomegranates are so juicy and rich! Nicely done!

  3. This is beautiful, Claire!!!! The pomegranates look very juicy and I love the color!!! Putting these fruits on glass was wonderful for that perfect reflection.
