Thursday, October 7, 2010

Three's a Crowd

I haven't done a still life from real life in a few weeks because I've been working on my Beach House series and some landscape pieces. I find painting still life to be a totally different feel from landscapes. It feels quite intense, focusing on the light and form of the objects and trying to see each variation in colour and temperature. It's fun but hard! The photo is a bit darker than the painting because I had to photograph after work and the light wasn't optimal. I tried to lighten it but it became too contrasty. But I think you get the idea. 



  1. Very nice color shifts in these pears. You did such a great job with the reflected light on one and shadows on another. I really like it!

  2. Love your artwork ... and the title of "Three's a Crowd". Keep up the good work!

  3. The colors in this painting are just gorgeous. Love the title too.

  4. J'aime les poires... cela ressemble à des culbutos.
    Les vôtres sont particulièrement belles, les couleurs sont parfaitement bien réussies et leur apportent fraîcheur et vous donnent envie d'y croquer dedans !
    Et hummmm! les poires pochées au vin... Bisous

  5. Beautiful job on the reds. Great value changes.

  6. Beautiful painting Claire. I love the color you used. The shadows are wonderful..!

  7. Thanks very much everyone for your kind comments and support. It's so wonderful to gain vauluable feedback on my work from an international array of talented artists! Cheers!

  8. These two pear paintings are excellent. I love the cool light on the pear on the right, nice contrast with the warm light on the other two. They so inspired me that I ran out to buy some pears of my own.

  9. Alô Claire.
    Gostei muito das peras.
    Achei muito bom o colorido, esses vermelhos.
    Um abraço
    Antonio Machado
