Monday, November 22, 2010

Christmas Small Works Show at the AGGV

 Three's a Crowd - SOLD

Tempting - SOLD

These two paintings are part of the Christmas Small Works Show at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria. It opened on Friday and if you haven't made it there yet because of the cold snowy weather, do try to make it there soon as there are many wonderful pieces by over 60 of Victoria's well known artists. To view the information on the show click here.

Thanks to everyone who sent their good wishes for the Oak Bay Art Studio Tour that took place this past weekend. We had icy cold weather with high winds at times, but the snow held until today, which came in the form of a white out! So we were very lucky during the weekend. Although we had smaller crowds than usual, those who did come were serious art viewers, who were very interested in the art, my process and inspiration and they were all a pleasure to welcome into my home. So all in all it was a success! I'm taking a few days off to relax after the weekend, and then I'll be back painting and posting again. Talk to you then!



  1. Il est tout à fait normal que vous preniez quelques jours de repos après cette exposition. Vous avez donné toute votre énergie à cette préparation. Le stress vous accompagnait sans cesse... A présent relâche... pour mieux reprendre ensuite... Redémarrer avec de nouvelles belles créations...
    Je vous envoie plein de bisous et merci de nous montrer ces deux belles toiles aux couleurs riches et fortes.

  2. Yummy ainting. Lovely colours for the season.

  3. Beautifully painted Claire!! The color is so vibrant! perfect.

  4. Claire, is wonderful your site
