Sunday, September 5, 2010

Beach House III - Under Cover

Original Oil Painting   9 x 12   

Another beach house scene from Hornby Island. This was painted from a picture taken on a walk along Whaling Station Bay. I loved the beach grass forming a path to the house, and the light play coming through the thick cover of trees. It seemed nestled in and cozy under the firs and arbutus trees. There was an awful lot of green in this painting. I find green a challenging colour. For me it's difficult to get just the right hue and temperature. So I really stretched myself on this one. I experimented with a variety of yellows and blues, scaping off my palette many times, before arriving at the colours I chose to paint with. I think the final result captures the light and feel of the place.




  1. Qu'il doit y faire bon vivre... Belle lumière, belle atmosphère ... Bravo pour cette peinture... Bisous

  2. J'adore ton blog et particulièrement les commentaires qui accompagnent chaque peinture: on a l'impression de se promener avec toi en découvrant ces magnifiques endroits. j'attends le prochain tableau avec impatience!


  3. Thank you for the wonderful comments. I really value your thoughts. Thanks also for the news from France, a place very special to my heart!
